Two women were hospitalized after a dog attack by this morning at the Covered Bridge Condominium Complex at 5005 Georgi Lane in Houston. According to a Channel 2 News report, Sonny Pena's two-year old Boxer named Rocky attacked the two women just before 7:00 a.m., inflicting serious injury, primarily to the women's legs. A Houston firefighter who arrived to help was then bitten by another of Pena's dogs, a 3-year old Lab named Apollo. Both dogs are now being held under a 10-day quarantine by BARC - Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care. The dogs will not necessarily be automatically euthanized: if a Justice of the Peace determines they are dangerous dogs, Pena may have to pay an annual special registration fee and carry liability insurance. Pena reportedly told Channel 2 that he was surprised by the attacks since the dogs had never showed signs of aggression before.
Assuming Pena is a resident of the condo complex and has homeowner's insurance, the women would probably be able to make an insurance claim to compensate them for medical expenses, any scarring and physical impairment resulting from the dog attack (though of course, whether the insurer would pay is another matter).
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