Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 3, 2013

5 Steps You Should Take After a New Mexico Accident

With or without an attorney, here are Five Very Important Steps you should take immediately after a  car accident,  truck accidentmotorcycle accident  or any accident causing  personal injury or wrongful death.

By : Mark Caruso, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorney (Albuquerque, NM)

Steps 003 silence Step One: Don’t Discuss The Incident With the Other Party or Their Insurance Representative or Claims Adjuster

The other party, or their representative (usually an insurance company adjuster or investigator) may try to get to you to answer questions soon after the incident – oftentimes within hours. Statements that you make at the time of the accident or following the accident could be used against you as the case unfolds.
Do not talk to the other party or their representative with your attorney present!

Steps 002 medicalStep Two: Get Immediate Medical Attention, Don't Wait

 If you’ve been injured, or there is a possibility that you’ve been injured, get to a doctor, emergency room or an urgent care facility immediately. Be sure that the doctor  documents your symptoms and injuries and the fact that you’ve just been involved in a vehicular accident.

Steps 003 write it downStep Three: Write Things Down....Document Everything That Happens
It’s natural for our memories to fade with the passage of time. We’re all human. Make written notes so that you can refresh your memory about the incident. In some counties in New Mexico,  cases don’t get to court for years.   Lawyers working for insurance companies will do their best to paint you as a liar or exaggerator if you don’t have a great recollection of the incident. There is nothing wrong with keeping a diary.
Steps 001 evidenceStep Four: Save The Evidence
You want to be sure, to the extent possible, that evidence is preserved. Keep broken eyeglasses, casts from broken bones, business cards from witnesses, medical release forms from hospitals.  Keep it all.  Evidence is essential in proving your case later on! Do not lose, alter or destroy evidence!

Vehicle Accident: Repair work should not be started until detailed pictures have been taken of your vehicle (car, truck, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)

Dangerous or Defective Product: Save the product and its parts (for example, if a bottle breaks, save the broken pieces!). Keep the box in which it came. Save the receipt!
Dog Bite or Animal Attack: Save the torn clothing and any other evidence of the attack. Don’t wash the clothes you were wearing.

Slip and Fall / Trip and Fall: Keep the shoes you were wearing, do not throw them out and do not keep wearing them. You will want to keep them in the condition that they were in at the time of your fall. In other words: Don’t wear, repair or throw them out until your case is settled!
Steps 001 picturesStep Five: Take Pictures of Your Injuries
Take pictures of all parts of your anatomy that show signs of injury before the healing process begins. Abrasions and glass cuts must be photographed.   Date the pictures accordingly (be sure that your digital camera has the right date!). Then take daily pictures of your injuries.
If you have scarring, be sure to get pictures. If you’re going to have the scars surgically removed or reduced, be sure to take before and after pictures. In some situations, your lawyer may hire a professional medical photographer to take these pictures.

Caruso Law Offices, Personal Injury Attorneys

Caruso Law Offices  represent people who have received  personal injuries  or have a loved one who has suffered a  wrongful death  due to the carelessness of others. It's my job to take the pressure off of you so that you are free to heal. Feel free to call me at 505-883-5000 for a free consultation or visit our web site at or contact me directly at

My name is Mark Caruso, and I am the senior attorney at Caruso Law Offices.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you found it informative. I would like to tell you a little about my firm and my law practice.

I have practiced law for 31 years and am licensed in New Mexico and California.  As a former insurance company attorney I know how insurance companies decide to settle cases.  I used to work for the insurance companies, but now I work for the victims of pesonal injury and wrongful death. I know the "ins-and-outs" of the insurance claims business and their secrets and strategies.  I now use what I learned against them to get my clients the most money possible.

Please feel free to call me at (505) 883-5000 so we can personally discuss your accident. I am also happy to give you a FREE consultation at either of my Albuquerque offices--Northeast Heights or Westside.  I can also meet you at your home, work, or at the hospital after hours and on weekends.  We represent clients in Albuquerque and throughout the state of New Mexico including the pueblos and reservations of our state.

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