A 12-year old Baytown girl is recovering in hospital after she was attacked and bitten by her neighbors' pit bull mix dogs. The attack happened in the 4900 block of Saint Andrews Drive in Baytown Thursday afternoon as the girl went to visit the neighbors' home. According to KHOU's story, the dogs' owners have a rule that visitors should call ahead so the dogs can be put away: the dogs are Labrador and pit bull mixes named Cain and Grimm.
The dogs' owner, who did not want to be identified in the news interview, said the girl "...reached in and unlocked the gate and came in because we were in the back yard." When they heard the dogs barking and the girl screaming, they ran and pulled their dogs off her. The girl suffered bite injuries to her arm and her side and was taken by helicopter ambulance to Memorial Hermann in the Medical Center. The owner also told KHOU: "She's a child. I can't say she should have known better. She should have, but she didn't. It was an accident. A really bad accident."
Baytown animal control is holding onto the dogs until the investigation is completed, and they want to determine if the dogs have ever shown aggression toward people before. The owners said they dogs have not: "They are good dogs. We've had them since they were five weeks old. They've never attacked anybody before." The dogs' owners were told by their landlord that notwithstanding how the City of Baytown's investigation turns out, Grimm and Cain have to live elsewhere.
If these dogs have never shown signs of aggression toward people before, I am slightly perplexed why the owners would have a rule in place that visitors have to call ahead and the dogs have to be put up. My dog (a Chow-Chow mix) is not aggressive toward people and I don't have that rule. The called-ahead rule at least suggests to me there was a concern the dogs could be aggressive toward people, but then again perhaps the owners were just being very cautious. Which would be a good thing, because dog attacks can result in some very nasty injuries that go beyond just the pain and scars from the bites. I once represented an 8-year old boy who was attacked by a pit bull as he got off his school bus: the bites to his arm caused nerve damage that affected strength and sensation in his injured arm.
Hopefully the girl will recover well; Memorial Hermann Medical Center has an excellent children's hospital, I am sure they will take good care of her.
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