Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 3, 2013

Hanson Duby, Toronto’s Leading Personal Injury Law Firm, Cautions Motorists to Look Out for Cyclists with Warmer Spring Weather

Hanson Duby (, a personal injury law firm serving the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), recently issued a statement cautioning drivers to look out for cyclists as the spring weather warms up, reminding cyclists to be aware of their rights and motorists’ obligations for the safety of cyclists.

According to Hanson Duby, even if a cyclist is driving properly and wearing safety gear, they are at a disadvantage when involved in an accident with a motor vehicle. Injuries often include: traumatic brain injury, spinal cord or serious orthopedic injuries, internal injuries, abrasions, lacerations, and the amputation of limbs. Read More News

Hanson Duby Lawyers-Personal Injury Law Firm in Toronto

Whenever the person is injured, certainly, he/she seeks financial relief to recover the expenses suffered because of the accident. This involves compliance with complicated legal proceedings, where our firm the Hanson Duby Lawyers can help you get protected with a wide ranging legal service support. You can get started with personal injury lawsuit easily with a team of professionals to help you comprehend the legal requirements. It’s good to seek an early legal advice to abide to the given time limits. The personal injury lawyers at our firm can do it for you.

Maintenance and management of necessary records and proofs is the responsibility of the plaintiff, failure to which he/she may not be able to receive the compensation. A thorough understanding of contract is essential to understand the situation when the accident takes place. As soon as possible contact our firm and seek initial free legal consultation and legal expertise assistance. In case, you need any professional support to carry out further litigation, we offer professional attorney to get settled your personal injury claims. So, it becomes easy for you to start your legal claims settlement without much knowledge about the personal injury law. First, file an application form and provide us with basic information to formulate effective personal injury claims. It’s our duty to work on the narrative, describing how the accident changed your life to help you recover the financial losses such as medical expenditure, loss of income, pain and suffering in special cases. The lawyer will represent the case on your behalf and will discuss it with the insurance company directly to get the best possible outcomes. In case, you have any doubts or queries, we will respond to them to help you comprehend your case. The valuation of the case is really critical as far as formulation of claims is considered. Expert professionals at work can promise good outcomes considering minute details of the case applying legal provisions. The extensive experience of the lawyers can really help you resolve the matters associated with the case. Again, you can discuss the various alternatives available with you in the circumstances the accident took place. It’s essential to understand the way to get maximum financial coverage.

Our law firm deals with diverse issues right from motor vehicle accidents, life insurance claims, disability, and product liability to property losses. So, accordingly, you will be allotted with the attorney having an expert hand in dealing with the specific area. We can understand handling legal discussions and complicated legal actions are hectic. Make sure that our services can make it easy for you to deal with.

When you hire professional, you need not face the litigation or complex personal injury settlement procedure. You are liable to pay the fees only when the case is settled successfully; never consider it as an extra cost. It is the way to get benefited with the protection you deserve. So, hope our service support can relieve you from the stressful burden and share your problems.

More information on Hanson Duby is available by visiting the firm's web site at or by calling 416-588-9100.

Michael Bisotooni identified as victim of accident caused by red light runner

Harris County Sheriff's Office has identified Michael Bisotooni as the driver killed in an intersection accident last night in Houston, and a driver who ran a red light is being blamed. HCSO investigators told Channel 13 News that a blue Chevrolet pickup was speeding northbound in the 1000 block of Mason and ran a red light at the Interstate 10 feeder road just after 9:00 p.m. The Chevy smashed into a westbound Toyota Tacoma, driven by Michael Bisotooni. The Toyota then spun out and hit a Pontiac waiting at the red light on Mason. Deputies say the 21-year old male driving the Chevy pickup admitted to "having a few beers" but he passed a field sobriety test. Michael Bisotooni appears to be affiliated with local business Four Seasons Valet Parking LLC and was in his early 50's.

Michael Bisotooni car accident Mason Road Houston
Photo credit: ABC Channel 13 News Houston

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2013

Albuquerque Police Chase and Pursuit Accident Attorney

Police Pursuit and Chase

By:  Mark Caruso, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorney (Albuquerque, NM)

Albuquerque Police Pursuit and Auto Accident Attorneys Serving Albuquerque and New Mexico Statewide

Have you been injured in a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian accident or collision caused as a result of a police chase.  You may be entitled to compensation from the at fault driver and even the police department involved in the chase.
Albuquerque Police Chase Attorneys
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for bystanders and innocent motorists to suffer personal injuries nd sometimes wrongful death, during police pursuits. According to data from the FBI, there are 300 deaths each year as a result of police chases. Innocent bystanders and motorists are the victims in 40% of these chases.
At Caruso Law Offices our auto accident attorneys understand the devastating effect an accident can have on  victims and their family. We support law enforcement  and all of those protecting our citizens. But we will fight to protect our clients if the law enforcement officer was negligent in the operation of his/her vehicle.
Unfortunately, there are instances when chases are unnecessary or when they are not performed in accordance with written police procedures. In these cases, only a lawyer who is experienced in bringing a claims on behalf of victims of a negligent police officers can successfully pursue a claim on behalf of an injured  victim.

 In these instances, Caruso Law Offices  with our proven track record of representing injured pedestrians and motorists in Albuquerque and other counties throughout  New Mexico can help you fight for compensation for medical expenses and other losses related to the accident. Call us at (505) 883-5000 if you have any questions.  We offer a free consultation with an attorney to confidentially discuss your claim.

Negligent Pursuit and Police Chases

Over the years Caruso Law Offices has  represented many families who have been affected by negligent police officers. Written policies provided to every officer set out specific procedures regarding safe pursuit. Often, either acting alone or as a result of a department's approach to chases, individual officers will disregard these procedures.

The officers then continue the chase well beyond the point when it is clear that the danger to the public outweighs the need to catch the suspect.

Often, the police can obtain a license tag number and use other investigative techniques to determine the identity of the driver without putting the public in danger. Avoiding pursuit at high speeds helps to avoid endangering innocent third parties.
If you received  personal injuries  or a family member suffered a  wrongful death  as a result of  a police chase or pursuit or any  vehicular accident  caused by a police officer, contact  Caruso Law Offices  today at (505) 883-5000.  Because of New Mexico's strict Tort Claims Act you are required to give written notice to the government  entity and file a lawsuit by specific deadlines.  Failure to do so will void your entire claim.  That's why it is so important to call us today.
 A lawyer with our office can help you hold the negligent or reckless police officer accountable for your injuries and accountable for his or her decisions and actions whether it be in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County or throughout New Mexico.  Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and awards on behalf of our injury victims. We can help you, too.
Taking on law enforcement officers who refuse to follow procedure and injure or kill someone is something that many lawyers refuse to do.  At  Caruso Law Offices  we believe that no one - law enforcement officers included - are above the law.  Good officers agree with us. Negligent ones who injure or kill innocent victims in police pursuits must be held accountable.
Call us today for a free consultation with an attorney at (505) 883-5000 or email us at   Also, please visit our web site at    We offer statewide representation, and can meet with you at our office, your home or other location that is convenient for you.   

Albuquerque Car Accident Attorney, Rear End Accidents

Highest cause of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents and collisions in Albuquerque is from rear end collisions.

By:  Mark Caruso, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorney (Albuquerque, NM)
Rear End Collision, Mark Caruso--Albuquerque Auto Accident Attorney

Rear End Collision in Albuquerque Auto Accident

Rear-end  car accidentstruck accidents  and  motorcycle accidents  in Albuquerque are a common occurrence, as they are throughout New Mexico.  Congested roads, older roads not build for high traffic volume, and the presence of red light cameras or other traffic control devices have all increased your risk of being involved in a rear-end collision.  Caruso Law Offices handle rear end accidents every day, because personal injury claims is all we do.  Call us at (505)883-5000 or e-mail us at or visit our web site at
The Albuquerque Personal Injury Attorneys at the Caruso Law Offices are dedicated to helping accident victims recover losses through personal injury  and  wrongful death  litigation. Rear-end collisions are often described as whiplash claims. The fact of the matter is that they can lead to very serious, debilitating injuries.
With many types of accidents and collisions, a driver has some warning, and may even be able to take evasive action to avoid some of a collision's blunt force. With a rear-end collision, a vehicle's occupants typically have no such warning.

Caruso Law Offices has probably seen every type of possible rear end accident in the 31 years that we have been handling car accident claims. 

Common causes of rear-end crashes in New Mexico include:
  • Tailgating
  • Panick stopping
  • Sudden stop by the first car
  • Rapid acceleration by the second car
  • Red-light cameras or other intersection technologies
  • Congested streets
  • Cell phone use
  • Inattention
In many cases, the risk of serious or fatal injury is compounded by the size of the vehicles. Being struck from behind by a larger vehicle can be devastating, and may even force you into the vehicle in front of you. Conversely, hitting the rear of a larger vehicle, particularly a large truck, can result in an underride accident, in which your car is forced beneath the leading vehicle.

The rear driver is typically cited in such accidents.

A 2011 investigation by local Police Department found tailgating was the leading cause of injury crashes in the city - sending more people to the hospital than drunk driving or speeding.
In some cases, a defective vehicle claim may arise from a rear-end collision. Perhaps the brakes were defective.  In other cases, large commercial trucks without mandatory override guards or other protective equipment can result in a higher chance of serious or fatal injury.

Neck, Back and Whiplash Injuries From Rear End Collision in Albuquerque

Whiplash  is not a medical term. And unfortunately, it has become synonymous with injury lawsuits. Whiplash  is used to describe "Cervical Acceleration-Deceleration" injuries, which is the rapid movement of the neck.
It is very important to understand that the neck is a very delicate structure of tendon and bone. Neck, back, or shoulder injury as a result of a rear-end collision may include headaches, pain in the arms and legs and numbness. A  whiplash  injury may be the result of the stretching of the spine's anterior longitudinal ligament, which stretches or tears as the head snaps forward and then back.

We can refer you to local health care providers to treat your neck and back injuries. 

Most of these doctors will wait until you settle your case before any money is due them.  We work with orthopedic doctors, neurologists, chiropractors, dentists, internists, physical therapists, medical massage therapists, radiologists and other health care providers. 
You need to be evaluated if you are having any discomfort whatsoever.  We can arrange for a consultation with a doctor  if you have no health insurance or prefer not to pay a deductible or co-pay with your current health insurance.

Rear-end collisions can cause very serious neck and back injuries, which should not be dismissed and should not be taken lightly.

Victims should understand the long-term implications of such injuries. You should take injuries into consideration when determining whether to pursue a  personal injury  claim against an at-fault driver.
Remember that we offer a  29% discounted attorney fee.  Call personal injury and wrongful death attorney Mark Caruso today at (505)883-5000, e-mail us at or visit our web site at  to schedule a free confidential appointment with one of our attorneys. 
If your family is dealing with a New Mexico  car accident,  truck accident or motorcycle accident contact the Albuquerque personal injury and wrongful death attorney Mark Caruso at Caruso Law Offices today for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Ask about our discounted contingency fee.
Albuqueque Injury Lawyer - 505-883-5000 -- Free Consultation
Statewide Representation

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 3, 2013

Motorcyclist Brian Lackey latest life lost to drunk driving accident

Brian "Ace" Lackey is the latest victim of drunk driving in the Houston area. According to DPS Troopers around 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 23-year old Rodrigo Gallegos' Chevy Impala crashed into Brian Lackey's Honda motorcycle as Brian was riding at Kropik Road and State Highway 242. Troopers discovered beer cans and realized that Gallegos was drunk. Brian sustained a brain injury, so he was life flighted from the accident scene to Memorial Hermann, but passed away from his injuries this afternoon. Amazingly, Gallegos was driving with his wife in the front seat and his two kids in the back seat, a 1-year old and a infant.

Brian Lackey has been a member of the San Jacinto High Rollers motorcycle club for 13-years. Gallegos is currently in Montgomery County jail facing a charge of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of driving while intoxicated with a child passenger over the age of 15. Channel 2 Houston's story is here.

Brian Lackey motorcycle accident drunk driver
Brian Lackey
Truly, I cannot stand drunk drivers. If you want to have a drink, so be it, there's no law against having a drink. But when you drink to the point of intoxication then get behind the wheel, obviously you risk more than just your own safety. I cannot figure out what it is about the Houston area that we lead the nation in drunk driving fatalities.

Property Loss Claim Services in Toronto

If you have suffered any property losses and are in search of property loss claim services, know that quality service support and immediate problem solving are what you aim for. Such services are vital to get relief from financial losses suffered on happening of the event, let it be large commercial or fire losses. Professional assistance is essential to calculate exact property losses and formulate property loss claims considering the law provisions. Extensive professional experience in dealing with varied cases is good to help you get maximized cover for the claims you file.

Mechanical and scientific investigation of the losses suffered can help you create well integrated personal injury claims covering essential property losses. However, justification and submission of proofs is equally relevant. It is time, when legal services and an expert advice can solve your queries linked with the case. Thus, if your property or possessions are damaged by any environment adversity, property claims services investigate the reported damages to determine the extent of losses. So such information is helpful to know the client exact damages and costs involved in repairs. Once done with all calculations, it becomes easy to perform other procedural formalities. With excellent professional networking, you may get benefited with reasonable engineer’s support to do the required repairs. The initial consultation will help you decide the course of action that you need to complete in the given situation. Thus, providing customer focused assistance remains one of the major objectives that the legal firms, when you seek such service support. This is helpful to get justified insurance cover as well, when such services keep insurers, customers, and regulars informed about the total cost of disaster.

In this way, property loss claim services can help you understand the exact financial losses suffered because of the catastrophe to manage insurance cover and repairs. This service support is essential to carry out further procedural formalities with the help of catastrophe history database at your hand. These mathematical calculations and assertions are primary to manage successful legal claims settlement. These records work as initial proof to measure the exact losses and thereby, search out justifiable compensation.

More information on Hanson Duby is available by visiting the firm's web site at or by calling 416-588-9100.

Ashley Heil gets 20 year sentence for DWI death of her baby

In a prime example of how drunk driving ruins lives, 28-year old Ashley Heil pleaded guilty and accepted a 20-year sentence in connection with the April 2012 crash that killed her 8-month old daughter, Whilow Heil. She agreed to the plea deal to avoid a possible life sentence and she must serve at least half her sentence before becoming eligible for parole. Heil was originally charged with intoxication manslaughter for the crash, but evidence investigators gathered at the scene allowed the charges to be elevated to first-degree felony murder. Heil was on probation for a drug charge out of Harris County, for which she's also facing 20-years.

Blood tests show Ashley Heil was three time the legal limit for intoxication when she lost control of her Suburban on FM 1484 in Cut and Shoot, Texas and struck a tree, crushing the passenger side of the Suburban. Crash data downloaded from the vehicle showed it was traveling at 68 m.p.h., well above the 45 m.p.h. speed limit. 

Ashley Heil drunk driver Whilow Heil accident
Ashley Heil pleaded guilty to the murder of her 8-month old daughter
Whilow Heil in an April 2012 drunk driving crash.

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 3, 2013

New Mexico Christian Lawyers, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death


New Mexico Christian  Lawyers:

Personal Injury, Wrongful Death and  Vehicular Accidents 

Primarily focusing on car accidents, truck accidents, semi-truck accidents, 18 wheeler accidents, tractor trailer accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents and pedestrian accidents.

Mark J. Caruso
Caruso Law Offices, PC

Northeast Heights Office:
4302 Carlisle NE
Albuquerque, NM  87107
(505) 883-5000

Westside Office:
2929 Coors NW, Suite 310-E
Albuquerque, NM  87120
(505) 369-1361

Law firm only handles  personal injury,  wrongful death, vehicular accidents, malpractice

Licensed attorney since 1982 in CA and 1987 in NM

Pepperdine University School of Law

Attends Legacy Church, Albuquerque


Albuquerque Christian Lawyers, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death

Albuquerque  Christian  Lawyers:

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death, Vehicular Accidents 

Mark J. Caruso

Caruso Law Offices, PC
4302 Carlisle NE, Albuquerque, NM  87107
licensed since 1982 in CA and 1987 in NM

One killed in alleged drunk driving accident on Old Galveston Road

Police suspect the driver of a GMC Envoy was drunk when he (allegedly) ran a red light and caused a fatal collision in southeast Houston last night.  The three car accident happened at the intersection of Old Galveston Road and Edgebrook.  Police say the man was driving the GMC Envoy on Old Galveston Road when he crashed into a white-colored Honda Civic that was in the intersection; the Civic then collided with an Isuzu Trooper SUV.  From Channel 13's picture of the crash scene it appears the Civic sustained major damage, primarily to the driver's side front corner.  Tragically a female passenger in the Civic died in the accident, yet another statistic in Harris County's drunk driving plague.  When officers came to the scene they found the driver of the GMC Envoy hiding in bushes: he was taken to the hospital in serious condition. It is expected the man will be charged with driving while intoxicated and possibly intoxication manslaughter.

Update: a story posted this morning to Channel 11's web site states that the driver of the Honda Civic is also suspected of driving drunk and will be charged with DWI too. The deceased passenger in the Civic is reported to be in her 20's.

Update: Channel 2 News posted a story today that the driver of the GMC Envoy was reportedly at a bar prior the crash. Depending on the particular facts, the bar may have some legal responsibility if they knowingly served alcohol to a person who was openly and obviously intoxicated. The same article also refers to a "Department of Public Safety SUV" but I suspect that may be an error...they are probably referring to the Isuzu Trooper SUV mentioned in other news articles, "Trooper" being the particular model of vehicle rather than a reference to the Texas DPS. No word yet on the identity of the persons involved.

Photo credit: Houston Channel 13 News
drunk driving accident Old Galveston and Edgebrook
Photo credit: Channel 11 News

Albuquerque Christian Attorneys, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death

Albuquerque  Christian  Attorneys:

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death, Vehicular Accidents 

Mark J. Caruso

Caruso Law Offices, PC
4302 Carlisle NE, Albuquerque, NM  87107
licensed since 1982 in CA and 1987 in NM

Albuquerque, NM Wrongful Death Lawyers


By: Mark Caruso, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorney (Albuquerque, NM)

When you lose a loved one due to an accident caused by the careless actions of another, you want and need answers quickly. The New Mexico wrongful death attorneys at Caruso Law Offices can help you find out why the accident happened and help your family gain closure. 

The challenge of facing life without your loved one combined with funeral costs, loss of wages and support, and medical bills can be too much to handle alone. While no amount of compensation could ever make up for your loss, it’s our goal to help alleviate some of the financial responsibilities related to your loved one’s death, so that you can grieve with your family.
We can help you find out the real reason why your loved one’s death happened, and we can work with you to hold those who caused the death responsible.

How a N.M. Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help

A wrongful death claim can help provide your family with the financial support needed to cover expenses associated with your loved one’s death. It may be difficult to receive compensation without an experienced New Mexico wrongful death lawyer who can help prove the party responsible for your loved one’s accident. Investigating the fault of all possible individuals and their various levels of insurance coverage can be complex.
Mark Caruso and his staff at Caruso Law Offices have been assisting families like yours in overcoming personal tragedies for more than 31 years. It’s our passion to help take care of your family’s needs during this difficult time.  You’re not alone—call us today at (505) 883-5000 or visit our web site at



Wrongful death claims are different than other personal injury cases. If you’re filing a wrongful death claim on behalf of your loved one, you’re not only facing outstanding medical bills and treatment costs; you’re dealing with grief, funeral preparations, and the difficulty of facing life without your family member.
In its simplest terms, a wrongful death claim is seeking compensation or money damages from the at fault people and their various insurance companies to pay for the loss of your loved one. Often there are several different layers of insurance that must be looked into before settlement can be made with any one particular insurance company.
 Mark Caruso and his staff at Caruso Law Offices will approach the legal process with compassion and understanding to get your family the legal support it needs. For more than 31 years, our legal team has helped the victims of tragedy receive the compensation necessary to rebuild their lives.

Who Can File a Claim?

Although many family members may be considered beneficiaries—or recipients—of wrongful death damages, only one family representative, who has been appointed by the District Court, can file the claim. We begin our involvement in the claim by talking to all family members who have any interest in becoming the lead person to handle the claim. Once a family decision is made on who this person will be, we file the appropriate court documents in the  court to name this person as  the representative (also known as the Administrator or Executor) of the estate.After the court appointment, we file a wrongful death claim against the at fault person.
Some of the family members who have traditionally been appointed by the Court to act on behalf of your loved one include a spouse, a child, an heir or heiress, a chosen beneficiary or a parent.
One of your duties as a representative of the estate is to hire a law firm to represent the estate. If you’re unsure if you’re eligible to file for wrongful death damages, a Mark Caruso can answer your questions and explain your family’s options.

Types of Damages in NM Wrongful Death Claims

In New Mexico, depending on the details surrounding your family member’s death, you may be able to recover damages for:
  • funeral expenses,
  • pain and suffering following the trauma causing the death,
  • medical expenses resulting from the trauma leading to death,
  • lost wages and future lost wages,
  • lost benefits and future lost benefits,
  • loss of support,
  • loss of inheritance,
  • loss of your loved one’s medical bills,
  • mental anguish suffered by surviving family members.
  •                                                                                                                                                          Mark Caruso and his staff of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, investigators and experts will use every resource possible to recover the full amount of compensation you need.


We promise to leave no stone unturned in investigating every asset available to your family.
Mark Caruso can meet with you at either of his Albuquerque offices--Northeast Heights or Westside.  Consultations with Mark Caruso are FREE and without obligation.  He can meet you at your home, work, hospital on weekends and after-hours.  We represent wrongful death clients statewide New Mexico and in the Indian Pueblos and Navajo Reservation. Contact us at (505) 883-5000

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