Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 12, 2012

DWI accidents guaranteed to rise over Christmas holiday

I saw an interesting article on the Houston Chronicle's web site this morning about drunk driving accident statistics from Christmas season last year. During the 2011 holiday period, more than 130 car accidents were attributed to drunk driving: 6 of those accidents involved fatalities. By searching the Harris County District Clerk's records, the Chronicle found that nearly 450 people were charged with driving while intoxicated between December 20, 2011 and January 1, 2012.  The biggest days for DWI arrests were, of course, New Years's Eve and New Year's Day.

The Houston-Galveston area council said that this year a $295,000 state grant will put an extra 50 DWI units on patrol on Houston area streets through New Years Day.

Unfortunately history tends to repeat itself. Notwithstanding the extra DWI patrols it is likely the same number of people will make the foolish choice to drive drunk. Hopefully the extra patrols will mean that more drunks are caught before they cause an accident and seriously injure or kill someone.

If your holiday break is ruined by a drunk driving accident, contact me and I will be glad to explain your legal rights.

This chart compiled by the Houston Chronicle shows daily DWI arrests
in Harris County over the 2011 Christmas season

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