Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 12, 2012

Drunk driver hits police car on Almeda Genoa, drives off

A driver is facing drunk driving (and probably other) charges after crashing into a police car last night and then driving away. Channel 13's web site provides little detail on the accident, but apparently the driver hit and unmarked police car on Almeda Genoa near Dumas. The driver then left the scene but was stopped shortly thereafter at a skating rink where he was arrested by the officer whose vehicle was struck, along with several other responding officers.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver and need legal representation, give me a call and I'd be glad to explain your legal rights. I pursue drunk driving cases particularly aggressively and I have no interest in letting intoxicated drivers or their insurance companies off the hook for my clients' damages.

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