As discussed in a previous blog post, it is virtually guaranteed we will see a surge in drunk driving accidents in Houston and the greater Harris County area over the New Year's holiday, particularly tonight (New Year's Eve). Just as with any car accident injury claim, a person injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver has the right to recover money damages as compensation for: medical bills, lost wages, damage to their vehicle, physical pain, mental anguish, physical impairment and if applicable, disfigurement for injuries such as scars or broken teeth. Unlike a regular car accident injury claim however, a person injured by a drunk driver can also seek recovery of "punitive damages." Punitive damages are actually not intended to compensate the injured person, rather the purpose of punitive damages is not to punish the drunk driver for their conduct. Even though punitive damages are often not covered under an automobile insurance policy (meaning if punitive damages are awarded, the insurance company is not obligated to pay them), insurance companies still consider the possibility of a jury awarding punitive damages, which in turn gives the insurance company extra incentive to settle the injured person's claim.
I can't abide drunk drivers. Not because I think nobody should drink alcohol: on the contrary, I think if people want to have a drink and do so responsibly, that is their choice. Drunk driving however shows a complete lack of consideration for other people. There is at least one drunk driving fatality in the news every week in Houston or the greater Harris County area, and some of those accidents involve multiple fatalities. People who choose to drive drunk cannot help but realize that their choice could have potentially deadly consequences. Ironically it is rarely the drunk driver who is seriously injured or killed, it is more often an innocent victim.
If you are injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver over the New Year's holiday, call me, email me or submit your case online through my web site. I have been practicing in Houston as a personal injury attorney representing individuals and their families since 2005 and have handled many drunk driving car accident claims and lawsuits.