Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 1, 2013

Motorcyclist killed in West Sam Houston Tollway feeder accident

Investigators believe the slick roads caused by today's heavy rains in Houston contributed to a fatal motorcycle accident on the West Sam Houston Tollway feeder near Boheme Drive. Police say it was pitch black and very wet when the accident happened at 5:30 a.m. today. Police told Channel 2 that the driver of a dark blue Chevrolet Suburban and the motorcyclist were both heading southbound on the feeder road with the intention of turning left onto Boheme. Investigators say the driver of the Suburban skidded in a straight line into the motorcycle. Tragically the motorcycle rider was trapped under the Suburban and died at the scene. While the Suburban driver was questioned by police and was given a breathalyzer test, police do not think alcohol was a factor in causing the accident.

The driver of the Suburban is questioned by police at the scene

The motorcyclist was trapped beneath the Suburban

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