Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 1, 2013

Pastor Annie Brooks injured when car crashes through church wall

Annie Brooks, pastor at the Word of Truth Revival Center in Houston, was seriously injured Saturday evening when a vehicle crashed through the wall of the church and struck her. Police say pastor Brooks was closing up the church at the time of the accident. Her son, Kenneth Brooks, told Channel 13 News that his mother's injuries include a broken fibula and an almost severed foot. Kenneth thinks the woman driving the vehicle may have allowed her young son to drive, and the son accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake. 

18-wheeler accident on I-10 East, woman rescued by bystanders

Investigators say a 26-year old woman was speeding down Interstate 10 East around 3:30 a.m. Saturday near Magnolia when she crashed into another car. The car that was struck ended up coming to rest against the concrete center divider and the speeding car came to a stop in the middle of the freeway. An approaching 18-wheeler couldn't stop in time and struck the woman's car causing it to burst into flames. Some witnesses rushed to the woman's rescue to attempt to remove her from the vehicle, including Calvin Rutledge. The woman was rushed to hospital in critical condition with burns on 15% of her body. The freeway was shut down for a couple of hours. Channel 2's story is here.

Abilene Christian University students in fatal head on crash on Potosi Road

A two vehicle head on crash near Abilene has left two people dead. The crash happened at the Intersection of Texas 36 and County Road 107, known locally as Potosi Road. DPS patrolmen say Jeffrey Davis (27) made a left turn in his 2003 Dodge pickup: he turned from Potosi Road onto Texas 36, disregarding a stop sign, and collided with a 1996 Ford pickup truck occupied by six Abilene Christian University students. Jeffrey Davis was pronounced dead at the scene. 20-year old Lindsey Lee Smith also died in the crash. Injured in the accident were: Robert Braddock (20), Eric Terrazas (20), Calli Kerbo (18), Rebekah Cherniss (18) and Deanne Lynn Romero (19). The students injured in the accident were transported to Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene, TX. 

According to a story on the Abilene Reporter's web site, at the time of the wreck the students were heading to the Oplin Dance Hall about 25 minutes southeast of Abilene. Lindsey Lee Smith is identified as a junior at ACU who was from New Braufels. 

Callie Kerbo

Deanna Lynn Romero
Eric Terrazas

Lindsey Lee Smith

Rebekah Cherniss

Robert Braddock

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 1, 2013

DPS Trooper injured, rear ended by Ford Taurus on East Freeway

Around 12:30 a Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper pulled over a vehicle for a violation on the East Freeway near Federal. A man driving a Ford Taurus entered the emergency lane and rear-ended the Trooper's patrol car. The Trooper, who was in his vehicle at the time, was transported to hospital in stable condition and the driver of the Taurus was transported also. DPS investigators will try to determine what caused the accident. Channel 11 story here.

You may be surprised to learn that the Trooper involved in this accident would be able to use his personal automobile insurance coverage (if necessary, or if he wanted to). This is true even though he was at work and not driving one of his personal vehicles. I've handled a similar case before for a Houston Police Department Sergeant who was t-boned by a drunk driver in Houston while on patrol. I set up a claim for the officer under his Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage.

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 1, 2013

Speeding Nissan Sentra crashes on Breen Drive killing driver and passenger

Harris County Deputies say the driver of a red-colored Nissan Sentra was driving too fast when he lost control of his vehicle, ran off the road and entered a ditch before the car flipped and hit one or more utility poles by the roadside. The driver of the vehicle and a passenger were both killed in the accident. The crash happened around 1:50 a.m. on Breen Drive and Gum Valley Drive. No other vehicles were involved.

Photo credit: KHOU Channel 11

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 1, 2013

Van driver killed on Highway 6 by suspected drunk driver

Harris County Deputies arrested a man this morning following a crash on Highway 6 near Westpark around 1:00 a.m. that killed one person. Investigators believe the driver of a Ford Expedition SUV rear-ended a car, then lost control, swerved into oncoming traffic and hit a white-colored Chevrolet van nearly head-on. The driver of the van was killed. Deputies believe the driver of the Expedition was driving drunk when he caused the accident: he will likely face a charge of intoxication manslaughter.

Photo credit: ABC Channel 13 News

Let a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Provide You with a Great Outcome for Your Case

If you or a loved one receives an injury due to a slip or a fall, then you need to take the appropriate steps to get help in paying for your injuries. If the fall is someone else’s fault, then you could have a case that will bring you damages that you need to help with the medical bills. Contact a slip and fall accident lawyer who will be able to help you pursue this case. The slip and fallaccident lawyers have experience in dealing with many types of cases, including those that take place at a private residence belonging to someone else, or at a store. The slip and fall accident lawyer knows what it takes to proceed with and succeed with falling cases.

The slip and fall accident lawyer will be one of your greatest allies when you are trying to deal with the aftermath of your injuries. Attempting to pursue your own legal action against the negligent party is possible, but it is going to be difficult. You are likely still healing, or you are helping your loved one who fell. You aren’t going to have time to learn the law! A slip and fall accident lawyer can take care of that problem for you. As long as you have a good case, you can be sure that the slip and fall accident lawyer is going to fight for you.

Slip and fall accident lawyers do want to help you receive the compensation you need. The slip and fall accident lawyer that you hire will likely have experience with these types of cases, and if your attorney doesn’t, then it’s time to find someone new! Choose experienced slip and fall accident lawyers to help you with your case so you have a better chance of a happier outcome.

Do Not Wait to Contact Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Abuse in nursing homes is unfortunately rampant. Recently, two facilities in Pasadena, CA were found to have instances of abuse and neglect. Nursing home abuse lawyers will tell you that these issues are not only problems in certain states. The abuse can happen anywhere, even in the home where you placed your loved one. You always want to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer if you believe that your loved one is suffering from abuse at a facility. Never wait to contact the nursing home abuse lawyers thinking that maybe you were mistaken. As the saying goes, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Nursing home abuses are serious. Finding the help that you need for your case should be a top priority, and you have to make sure that your nursing home abuse lawyers have experience and that they can investigate your case for you. They will talk with you during a consultation and you will be able to determine whether you have a good case. Don’t worry; in instances of abuse, your nursing home abuse lawyer is going to act quickly. No one wants more people to have to deal with abuse, so you can be sure that your nursing home abuse lawyer will do everything in his or her power to find justice.

Still, many people wait to contact nursing home abuse lawyers. They fear that they might be making a mistake or overreacting, so they never call. Instead, they wait, saying that they will contact the attorney after their next visit in case things aren’t looking better. The trouble with waiting is that your loved one could be suffering abuse while you wait. By the time you are ready to call, it could be too late. Contact nursing home abuse lawyers at the first sign of a problem.

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 1, 2013

BMW driver hits, kills pedestrian at Blalock and Long Point

Houston Police Department believes a BMW driver was drunk when he fatally struck a pedestrian around 3:20 a.m. Saturday morning near Blalock Road and Long Point Road. The 38-year old BMW driver said he did not see the pedestrian until the man walked out in front of him. The pedestrian was taken to Ben Taub Hospital where he later died. The BMW driver was charged with driving while intoxicated. In a separate incident, a Ford Taurus with two occupants crashed into the back of a HPD cruiser that was investigating the pedestrian accident with the BMW. Officer A. Vo who was sitting in the cruiser was taken to hospital with minor injuries: it is not though alcohol was the cause of the second accident.

Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 1, 2013

Michael Garcia, waiter at Laurenzo's on Washington, is a hero

Hero may seem like a strong word to some, but he kind of is. Here's why...

Michael Garcia is a waiter at Laurenzo's Restaurant at 4412 Washington Avenue in Houston. He told Channel 2 News that his regular customers are like family to him, including 5-year old Milo Castillo who happens to have Down's Syndrome. On Wednesday when Milo and his family visited Laurenzo's, a male diner moved his family away from Milo's family's table and commented that: "Special needs children need to be special somewhere else."

Mr. Garcia overheard the man's comment, approached the man, and told him that he would be unable to serve him. The man said, essentially, "If that's the case, then we're leaving" and left the restaurant. Milo's parents didn't know about what happened until they were told by another waiter. 

Milo's mom Kim Castillo was worried that Michael might lose his job, but it appears Laurenzo's is standing behind Michael and what he did. Which is great, because the one customer they lost when Michael refused to serve him will be more than made up for by the many people who will make a special point to go to Laurenzo's on principle. (If you read the comments to the Channel 2 article, several people have said they plan to go to Laurenzo's). Besides: *@#& that guy anyway, who wants him as a customer!

This story clearly has nothing to do with personal injury law, but I couldn't help but write about it. Well played Michael Garcia and well played Laurenzo's for standing behind him.

Update: here's a great follow-up story on what Michael is doing with the publicity his story has generated.

5-year old Milo Castillo

Michael Garcia

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2013

Medical Expenses Paid by NM Auto Insurance Company After My Albuquerque Accident Claim

Mark J. Caruso, Personal Injury Attorney

     So often I am asked this question..."What medical expenses can I get from the insurance company now that we know the collision wasn't my fault?"  This is really an easy question to answer, because state law dictates what you are entitled to.  However, just because you might be claiming a medical expense doesn't mean that you automatically get the money for those medical expenses.  It is still up to you and your attorney to provide the insurance company with the facts and evidence to prove the damage.

     Under the law of the state of New Mexico and most other states, medical expenses must be reasonable, necessary and a direct result of the injuries sustained in the collision. 

     The medical expenses must be reasonable in price compared to charges made by othere health care providers in the same community.  This can be easily proven, and our firm has the annually published medical fees to help prove the reasonableness of the charges. 

    The medical expenses must be necessary and needed because of the injury from the collision. No one would expect the insurance company to pay for a medical expense that you really didn't need.  You are, however, required to mitigate your damage.  That means that you are allowed to have diagnostic tests and examinations to determine whether you have an injury.  If you have some pain that you didn't have before the collision, you are expected to take reasonable precaution to determine if you have an injury.  If you ultimately determine that you don't have any injury, the insurance company will still pay for the cost of the examination and diagnostic x-rays and other tests. 

     The medical expenses must be a direct result of the injuries sustained in the collision.  You can't ask the insurance company to pay for anything that their driver didn't cause.  However, they must also pay for the aggravation of a previous injury. As an example, let's say that your leg already had degenerative problems because of your age.  It really didn't cause you any problems before the accident, but the twisting of the leg in the accident required you to now have physical therapy and ultimately a surgery.  You aggravated the degenerative condition so now you must have the extra medical care.  This would be a valid claim against the insurance company.  The medical records provided by your doctor should clearly indicate that the medical care was needed as a result of the collision.  If it doesn't state this on the records, then you should contact your doctor or his/her staff immediately to determine what he/she believes was the cause of the injury in the first place. 

     Once you have finished all of your treatment, it is realitively easy to determine your total medical expenses.  You need to use the retail price of the medical expenses, not the amount paid by your health insurance or the amount you paid as a deductible or co-pay.  It is usually a simple addition of the charges.

     Sometimes doctors will state that you need to get extra money from the insurance company for future medical expenses.  An example would be a doctor stating that you need one physical therapy visit per month for a total of 12 more months.  You would need to calculate the cost of  each visit and multiply times the number of visits the doctor says that you need and you then have an additional number for future medical care.  Again, the same rules apply to future medical expenses that apply to the past medical expenses.  The future medical expenses must be reasonable, necessary and a direct result of the collision. 

   This discussion above is merely a synopsis of the law.  I would ask that you personally call me, Mark Caruso, for a free consultation at 505-883-5000 if you have any questions.  During this conversation will will discuss what happened in your accident, how you were injured and the medical care that you have received or will be receiving.  It costs you nothing to talk to me, and I would like to help you even if you chose not to have us represent you.

  If you mention this blog we will also give you a discount on your attorney fee.  Rather than pay a full 33 1/3% fee that most lawyer charge, we will reduce the fee to 29% if we can settle your claim without a lawsuit being filed.  This puts more money in your pocket.  I hope to hear from you. 

Best NM Lawyers--AVVO Lawyer Ratin "9.6 SUPERB" Rating

Attorney Mark Caruso receives high marks and ratings from clients and other attorneys in handling of Albuquerque, NM personal injury and wrongful death claims.

Albuquerque personal injury attorney Mark Caruso has just been ranked by a prestigious attorney and lawyer rating ranking service as a  "9.6  SUPERB"  on AVVO Lawyer Ratings.   Mark Caruso ranks extremely high in the areas of Experience, Industry Recognition and Professional Conduct.  Mark Caruso has received numerous attorney and lawyer peer endorsements as well as the highest client ratings for his handling of personal injury claims. His attorney and lawyer peers have ranked Mark Caruso is one of the highest rated personal injury attorneys in the State of New Mexico.


     This AVVO lawyer rating of "9.6  SUPERB" makes Mark Caruso and Caruso Law Offices one of the highest and best AVVO rated personal injury attorneys and law firms in New Mexico. A perfect score is a 10.
     Thank you to the many clients, attorneys and lawyers who helped Caruso get this "9.6  superb" rating. The AVVO lawyer rating cannot be bought with paid advertising, but is earned from experience, industry recognigion, lawyer and attorney peer reviews, client reviews and professional conduct. It is considered the most verifiable attorney and lawyer  rating service available today.
     Avvo Lawyer Rating is guided by two basic principles:

1. Provide an unmatched level of transparency. Many of the online resources available today only show information about the lawyer who pays the most to be there. Avvo plays no favorites. We provide an unparalleled level of transparency that shines the same light on all licensed lawyers, enabling people who may know very little about law to make smart, informed decisions.

2. Provide more information and better guidance. We believe that access to easy to understand information about lawyers, coupled with guidance on how to use that information, is the best way to help people choose the right licensed professional. Information is empowering: the more people learn about their lawyers, the more comfortable and confident they'll feel seeking help. This benefits clients and great lawyers.

     Caruso Law Offices only handles personal injury cases.  As a former insurance company attorney, Mark Caruso and his staff us their experience to get the most money possible for their clients.  Because Mark Caruso knows the ins-and-outs of the insurance claims business, the claims adjusters' dirty tricks don't work on him.  Most cases settle out of court without a lawsuit, and Caruso is a strong believer in pre-litigation mediation and settlement conferences to get his cleints the most money possible.  However, Caruso and his staff are committed to take all cases to arbitration or trial if the amount the insurance company offers is unfair.

    Mark Caruso offers a free initial consultation with an attorney (not just a paralegal, like most other attorneys) to discuss your case.  You can expect confidentiality, honesty and great nuggets of legal help and information from this free initial consultation.
     Caruso Law Offices is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and has two offices to serve its clients. Telephone is 505-883-5000  website is and email is

Are medical bills from a car accident negotiable?

The answer to this question is: it depends on the bill. In my personal injury practice, negotiating medical bills is a significant part of getting clients' claims resolved. Some medical providers are willing to offer a discount to someone injured in an accident who does not have health insurance and is paying the bill out of an insurance settlement. Usually whether a discount is agreed to by the medical provider (or even necessary in the first place) depends on the amount of the settlement.

For example: if you have a $2,000 hospital bill and $3,000 in other bills for a total of $5,000, but your claim settles for $30,000 (e.g. because you were hit by a drunk driver on her third DWI charge), the hospital probably will not be inclined to give you a discount. From the hospital's perspective, you got enough money from the settlement to pay the hospital bill in full.

There are also cases at the other end of the spectrum: not much insurance proceeds and medical bills that far exceed the settlement amount. Usually hospitals are practical about these situations and will work with the injured person's attorney to agreed on a reduction of the hospital that allows the injured client to keep some compensation out of the settlement.

If you have been hurt in an accident and you're not sure how to handle your medical bills, give me a call, send me an email or submit your case online and I would be glad to give you a no charge consultation. 

Find Help for Your Elderly Loved One with a Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

A nursing home negligence lawyer will face many different types of abuse and negligence in today’s nursing homes. Even homes that might have a nice, shiny veneer could still harbor secrets of neglect and abuse. The nursing home negligence lawyers want to make sure that people receive better treatment and that they have compensation for their injuries and suffering caused at the hands of the facility. If you know someone who might be in a neglectful nursing home, you have to take action. Contact a nursing home negligence lawyer today to get them the help they need.

You will find that quite a few different things can constitute neglect at the homes. The nursing home negligence lawyer that you hire will be able to let you know about all of the different issues that could be neglect. When you see bedsores on a patient, for example, it means that the patient is not being cared for properly, and that is definitely a reason to contact a nursing home negligence lawyer. The nursing home negligence lawyers will also want to check the health of the patient and see if it’s been deteriorating since they entered the home.

The thought of dealing with a facility that neglects patients is disheartening, but it is what nursing home negligence lawyers do day in and day out. They want to help people, and they know that by confronting these institutions, they will be able to do that. If you have someone in your family in a home that you believe is neglectful, it’s time to contact a nursing home negligence lawyer. The worst thing you can do is wait to call. Find a nursing home negligence lawyer that offers a free consultation and talk on the phone or in person about your case and what you should do now.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2013

New Caney man Joshua Stearns killed in West Texas crash

27-year old Joshua Edward Stearns from New Caney along with two other men died Tuesday January 15th in a head-on collision in West Texas near Midland. The crash, which happened on FM 1788 about six mile south of Interstate 20, involved two pickup trucks.

Francisco Manuel Ortega (26) was driving a gold-colored pickup truck, in which Joshua Stearns and Jesus Caraballo (27) were riding as passengers. As the men headed south on FM 1788, Ortega attempted to pass a vehicle in the lane in front of them. He crossed into the northbound lane and collided nearly head-on with a white colored oil company welding truck driven by 47-year old Manuel Loera.

Tragically, Ortega, Stearns and Loera died in the crash. Caraballo was transported to hospital with serious internal injuries and remains in critical condition. Ortega, Stearns and Caraballo were apparently oilfield workers. If anyone is aware of a fund set up to assist the families, please email me so I can include a link.

Joshua Stearns car accident near Midland
Photo credit: Tyler White, Reporter Telegram

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 1, 2013

Premises Liability Attorneys Help in a Variety of Case Types

Dealing with an injury is never fun, and it can be expensive. Even though you might have insurance, the medical bills and therapy bills can be outrageous. If you weren’t at fault for your injury, and someone else is to blame the ones at fault should be the ones who pay, not you! Let a premises liability attorney help you with your case so you can afford those medical bills that are mounting. The premises liability lawyer will be able to help you with many different types of injuries that occurred on someone’s property. One of the misconceptions is that premises liability attorneys only deal in falling accidents.

In fact, the premises liability attorney can do much more than that. If you worked in an unsafe environment that had hazardous chemicals that your employer would not store properly, then you could have a case. You could have a case if your employer was the cause of any other type of injury as well, including physical injuries. Work isn’t the only place that your premises liability lawyer will be able to help though. You will also find that premises liability attorneys will be able to help you if you or a loved one received an injury at a private home.

Swimming pool injuries, injuries from unsafe pets, or shocks from exposed wires in a home are all incidents where a premises liability attorney should be able to offer assistance. If you are suffering and healing from an injury now, you should make sure that you talk with a premises liability attorney. The last thing you want to do is wait too long. If you wait, your premises liability attorney might not be able to prove negligence on the part of the property owner, and that could mean that you won’t be able to file a suit.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 1, 2013

Nisa Nicole Sanchez charged with intoxication manslaughter

18-year old Nisa Nicole Sanchez has been charged with intoxication manslaughter after a car accident over the weekend claimed the life of Ms. Sanchez' 17-year old passenger.  Pearland Police Department says that Ms. Sanchez, who appears to have a twitter account under the username MostHated_HTown, crashed a Honda Accord into a ditch off Hughes Ranch Road around 12:05 a.m. Saturday morning. Police arrived at the scene to investigate a report of loud noises at a nearby construction site where they found the deceased 17-year old and a mud-covered Sanchez. Police said they could smell alcohol on her breath. Reportedly Sanchez told police that she and her passenger had been at a graduation party earlier and had just left a gas station when Sanchez failed to navigate a turn and wrecked the Honda. A posting to the Ultimate Pasadena web site reports that a then 17-year old Nisa Nicole Sanchez was charged with retaliation: assault and bodily injury to a public servant that occurred on October 4, 2011 for which she was booked into the Harris County jail and faced a felony charge.

Nisa Nicole Sanchez' twitter
profile picture

The remnants of the Honda Accord Nisa Nicole Sanchez crashed

Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 1, 2013

Kevin Roberts and Arturo Munoz injured at Exxon plant in Baytown

Two workers employed by Savage Services were injured in an incident at Exxon Mobil's Baytown plant today. Exxon officials have not said how the two workers were injured, just that they were being treated at the hospital. Darryl Roberts told Channel 2 News that his son Kevin Roberts was one of the injured workers and that Kevin had been burned over 40% of his body. Roberts said the second worker injured in the incident was Arturo Munoz, and that Arturo was burned from the waist down. Channel 11. Channel 13.

Injured in an accident at work? Contact me for a no-charge consultation to make sure your rights are protected.  

Motorcyclist killed on W Sam Houston Tollway: SUV driver may be charged

A motorcyclist was killed in a four vehicle collision that happened yesterday afternoon on the northbound West Sam Houston Tollway at Briar Forest Drive. Precinct 5 deputies say that around 5:20 p.m. a motorcycle rider slowed for traffic ahead when he was rear-ended by an SUV. The motorcyclist was thrown from his bike: the bike traveled forward and hit another vehicle while the SUV crashed into another car. The victim, who appeared to be a middle aged man, died at the scene. Deputies say charges against the SUV driver are possible, but there is no indication alcohol impairment was the cause of the accident. Channel 13's article states the motorcycle rider was struck from behind by a Honda Goldwing, though that is almost certainly an error since the Honda Goldwing is a type of motorcycle. The victim was probably riding a Honda Goldwing.

Firemen injured: pickup t-bones Cloverleaf Vol Fire Dept truck

At least three volunteer firefighters were injured Friday night when a pickup truck crashed into their fire truck. The Cloverleaf Volunteer Fire Department crew was driving near Brownwood and Hollywood at the time of the wreck. The fire truck, pumper truck No. 14, was flipped on its side during the collision. Four firefighters total were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The driver and passenger in the pickup truck had to be cut out of the wreckage. Read channel 11's story here. Read the Houston Chronicle article hereChannel 2's story is here and indicates six were injured. Channel 2's article quotes Sgt. Richard Delano with Harris County Sheriff's Office as saying the pickup truck's running a stop sign was the cause of the accident. Two heavy wreckers were called out to right the fire truck. Hopefully the black pickup is well insured: fire trucks are extremely expensive.

Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 1, 2013

Shane Trumble, sex offender, arrested with 30 gigs of child porn

Twenty-three year old wanted sex offender Shane Trumble from Ohio was arrested last night at an RV park north of Houston by Montgomery County deputies. Trumble, apparently from Cleveland, Ohio was living with his grandmother and father at the Wild Country RV Park on FM 1485 in New Caney. Trumble failed to register as a sex offender when he moved to Texas and is also wanted in Ohio for sex offenses against children. Operating under a warrant out of Ohio, deputies from Montgomery County Precincts 3 and 4 searched Trumble's property and found nearly 30 gigs of child porn, including images of young children performing sex acts, and they also found a young girl's panties and bra in a trash can. Trumble now faces four counts of child pornography and there is $100,000 bond on each count. Trumble's grandmother was taken into custody after confronting deputies with a BB gun and demanding to see law enforcement I.D.

Shane Trumble's Facebook page, which is not set to private, is interesting. On October 29, 2011 he posted a picture of an inmate card issued by the Ohio Department of Corrections, commenting to his friends that he was proud he had made it out of jail alive. He was apparently jailed for writing bad checks. He also posted a picture of his offender release card. Additionally Trumble's Facebook page includes a handful of self-taken portraits of Trumble wearing aviator sunglasses, with backdrops such as rotten sheets of plywood. Trumble's profile indicates that he is separated, from Cleveland, OH and was in the U.S. Army.

Shane Trumble poses with his new jacket, aviator
shades and a sheet of rotting plywood as a backdrop

Source: Shane Trumble's Facebook page

Source: Shane Trumble's Facebook page

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 1, 2013

Richard and Cody Seidel seriously injured in 18 wheeler accident

Teenage brothers Richard Seidel (18) and Cody Seidel (16) were seriously injured yesterday evening at around 10:30 p.m. when their Chevrolet Tahoe SUV crashed into an 18 wheeler and became jammed underneath the big rig. The accident happened just south of Conroe city limits at Jefferson Chemical and FM 3083. The boys' Tahoe was heading northbound on FM 3083 when it struck the 18 wheeler which was carrying a cargo of wire coils. The driver's side of the Tahoe was completely wedged under the big rig and was pulled free by several tow trucks working together, giving emergency responders access to Richard and Cody to rescue them.

Cody was removed from the vehicle and taken to Conroe Hospital but his brother Richard was more severely injured. As sometimes happens when there is major front end damage to a vehicle, the dashboard of the Tahoe had folded downwards, trapping Richard's legs. The Tahoe's steering wheel had also struck Richard in the face causing a laceration. Once emergency crews  freed Richard he was transported by life flight helicopter to Memorial Hermann in Houston with badly broken legs and a head injury.

The driver of the 18-wheeler was Ronald Lee Manning of Monroe, Louisiana. According to a very thorough article on the Montgomery County Police Reporter web site, Manning initially told DPS officers that he had tried to back the Western Transportation 18 wheeler into the parking lot of a convenience store to turn around because he had missed the driveway of his intended delivery location, however Manning later conceded that he had turned into the parking lot to turn around and was in the process of going back southbound on FM 3083. Put another way, it sounds like the big rig made a u-turn across the roadway, causing the brothers' Tahoe to crash into it.

Please keep these young men in your prayers: the young may heal more quickly than the old but these boys have likely sustained some life-altering injuries. As a father of three I can only imagine how upset Richard and Cody's parents must be.

If you have been seriously injured in an 18 wheeler accident, you can rest assured that the insurance company covering the 18 wheeler that injured you will start investigating immediately. In my opinion, the larger the claim and the more serious the injuries, the harder they "investigate" for a way not to pay a settlement on the claim. If you would like a no charge consultation for your 18 wheeler or commercial vehicle accident, you can call me (832 859 8243), email me (, or submit your case online. I am Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Personal Injury Trial Law and teach trial advocacy skills as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law School, but more importantly: I care about my clients.

Cody Seidel

Richard Seidel

Photo credit: Montgomery County Police Report

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 1, 2013

Motorcyclist killed in West Sam Houston Tollway feeder accident

Investigators believe the slick roads caused by today's heavy rains in Houston contributed to a fatal motorcycle accident on the West Sam Houston Tollway feeder near Boheme Drive. Police say it was pitch black and very wet when the accident happened at 5:30 a.m. today. Police told Channel 2 that the driver of a dark blue Chevrolet Suburban and the motorcyclist were both heading southbound on the feeder road with the intention of turning left onto Boheme. Investigators say the driver of the Suburban skidded in a straight line into the motorcycle. Tragically the motorcycle rider was trapped under the Suburban and died at the scene. While the Suburban driver was questioned by police and was given a breathalyzer test, police do not think alcohol was a factor in causing the accident.

The driver of the Suburban is questioned by police at the scene

The motorcyclist was trapped beneath the Suburban

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