No insurance company wants you to get a lawyer if you are involved into an accident. If you have ever watched Late Night TV, they have this in every episode. So, imagine that you are listening to the drum rolls and the fancy music, as you read this blog. LOL
Number Five: The rate of success for the injured victim is much higher. Because lawyers are trained in the art of Negligence, contrary to a lay person, the odds are in the lawyers favor to get better results.
Number Four: The insurance company has to deal in good faith with the injured victim, albeit through their attorney. This does not happen when a lay person handles their own case.
Number Three: More resources are available for the injured victim. Knowledge is power. Because the injured victim has obtain legal representation, the best interest of the client, and not the insurance company is the most important aspect of the case.
Number Two: More room for negotiation is available to benefit the injured victim. Insurance companies do not negotiate with lay person in the same way that they do when a lawyer is involved.
Number ONE: It cost them more money. Insurance companies are in the business of making money. When an injured person hires an attorney to handle their personal injury case, the attorney will ask for more money and will by default, get more money on any particular case.
There is a MAXIM of the law that says "Only a fool has him/her self as a client. Insurance companies know this. As such, they do not want you to hire a lawyer. One of the most important reasons why you should hire a lawyer in your personal injury case is that Your Rights Will Be Protected!
If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of an Auto Accident, Medical Malpractice, Police Brutality, Car Wreck, Trucking Accident, 18 Wheeler Accident or any other form of injury, you can contact our law firm at 1-800-700-LAWFIRM. You can also visit our websites:
The Baez Law Firm, P.C. or
San Antonio Injury Lawyers.